Who Lives Here?

This website helps you to find out more about where you live.

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What's your postcode?

NB. Red line denotes the boundaries of your area for the data shown below.

Please submit a postcode value.


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Who are Your Neighbours?

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Over the past decade, your neighbourhood now living near your home.

We have classified areas of the country into eight groups with similar characteristics. Your neighbourhood is described as "":

Output Area Classification Document


For a more detailed classification of your area, see our CDRC Mapmaker website.


There is currently no data available in this category for your area.

How Healthy is your Area?

Using our AHAH measure, we estimate how healthy your neighbourhood is relative to all other areas in the country based on the distance to various health-related services or environmental features. We rate influencing factors as Very Good, Good, Average, Poor, or Very Poor.

% of areas are healthier than where you live.

The quality of the air is .

Accessibility to green and blue space is .

Accessibility to healthcare facilities is .

Click here for more information about AHAH.

There is currently no data available in this category for your area.

How do people use the Internet?

People in your neighbourhood are described as "":

Internet User Classification Document



Since 2019, broadband speed in your area has changed by %, with a speed on average of Mbps in 2022.

There is currently no data available in this category for your area.

Where can you go Shopping?

Access to local shops from your postcode is . The nearest local shops are which are km from your postcode.

Access to the Town / City Centre from your postcode is . The nearest is which is km from your postcode.

Access to a Retail Park Shopping Centre from your postcode is . The nearest is and km from your postcode.

There is currently no data available in this category for your area.

How do People get Around?

In your area, people travel to work in a variety of ways:


NB. All statistics feeding the plot that add up to less or more than a full percent point are rounded down or up respectively, to the next full percent. Please also be aware that the home working statistics in this section will be influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The most sustainable way of getting to work is active travel (walking or cycling) and there were residents in your area choose this mode. % of areas have rates of active travel that are higher than where you live.

% of areas are nearer to a bus stop than your postcode. Your nearest bus stop is km away.

% of areas are nearer to a to train station than your postcode. Your nearest train station is km away.

There is currently no data available in this category for your area.

What are the Closest Schools?

Primary Schools

Secondary Schools

There is currently no data available in this category for your area.